Mexican Laws in English
NOM-014-SCT-2-2021, Technical specifications and test methods for rear bumpers for vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of design greater than 4,536 Kg


Published in the DOF on December 17, 2021 effective date June 16, 2023


This Standard is under the oversight of the SCT - Secretary of Communications and Transportation

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NORMA Oficial Mexicana NOM-014-SCT-2-2021, Especificaciones técnicas y métodos de prueba de defensas traseras para vehículos con peso bruto vehicular de diseño superior a 4 536 Kg.

Official Mexican Standard NOM-014-SCT-2-2021, Technical specifications and test methods for rear bumpers for vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of design greater than 4,536 Kg.




1.         Objetivo

1. Objective

2.         Campo de Aplicación y Referencias

2. Field of Application and References

3.         Definiciones

3. Definitions

4.         Especificaciones

4. Specifications

5.         Métodos de prueba

5. Test methods

6.         Placa técnica

6. Technical plate

7.         Procedimiento de Evaluación de la Conformidad

7. Procedure of Evaluation of Conformity (PEC)

8.         Vigilancia

8.  Oversight

9.         Sanciones

9.  Sanctions

10.       Concordancia con Normas Internacionales

10.  Concordance with International Standards

11.       Bibliografía

11. Bibliography

12.       Transitorios

12.  Transitional Articles

1. Objetivo

1. Objective

1.1 El objetivo de esta Norma Oficial Mexicana es el de establecer las especificaciones dimensionales y de resistencia estructural de las defensas traseras para vehículos de autotransporte tipo autobús convencional, midibús convencional y camión unitario con peso bruto vehicular de diseño superior a 4 536 kg.; así como a los remolques y semirremolques con peso bruto vehicular superior a 4 536 kg e inferior a 14 000 kg.

1.1 The objective of this Official Mexican Standard is to establish the dimensional and structural strength specifications of rear bumpers for motor transport vehicles such as conventional buses, conventional minibuses and unit trucks with gross vehicle weight of design greater than 4,536 kg.; as well as trailers and semi-trailers with a gross vehicle weight greater than 4,536 kg and less than 14,000 kg.

2. Campo de Aplicación y Referencias

2. Field of Application and References

Campo de Aplicación

Field of Application

2.1 La Norma Oficial Mexicana es aplicable a los vehículos automotores tipo midibús convencional, autobús convencional y camión unitario con peso bruto vehicular de diseño superior a 4 536 kg, así como a los remolques y semirremolques con peso bruto vehicular superior a 4 536 kg e inferior a 14 000 kg, que se fabriquen o que se importen a partir de la fecha de entrada en vigor de la presente Norma Oficial Mexicana.

2.1 The Official Mexican Standard is applicable to motor vehicles of the conventional minibus type, conventional bus and unit truck with a gross vehicle weight of design greater than 4,536 kg, as well as to trailers and semi-trailers with a gross vehicle weight greater than 4,536 kg and less than 14,000 kg, which are manufactured or imported from the date of entry into force of this Official Mexican Standard.



$700.00 pesos IVA included



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