Mexican Laws in English

NOTICE to all companies and individuals that own or legally possess vehicles for federal motor transport service and private transport that use diesel as fuel or mixtures that include diesel as fuel, gasoline, liquefied petroleum gas, natural gas or other alternative fuels, that travel on federal highways, for which the semi-annual periods in which vehicles must be submitted to the mandatory semi-annual verification of pollutant emissions due to smoke opacity and gas concentration are reported for 2021.


published in the DOF on Feb. 11, 2021



AVISO a todas las empresas y personas físicas propietarias o en legal posesión de vehículos del servicio de autotransporte federal y transporte privado que utilizan diésel como combustible o mezclas que incluyan diésel como combustible, gasolina, gas licuado de petróleo, gas natural u otros combustibles alternos, que transitan en las carreteras federales, por el que se informan los periodos semestrales en los que deberán presentar los vehículos a la verificación semestral obligatoria de emisión de contaminantes por opacidad del humo y concentración de gases en el año 2021.


NOTICE to all companies and individuals that own or legally possess vehicles for federal motor transport service and private transport that use diesel as fuel or mixtures that include diesel as fuel, gasoline, liquefied petroleum gas, natural gas or other alternative fuels, that travel on federal highways, for which the semi-annual periods in which vehicles must be submitted to the mandatory semi-annual verification of pollutant emissions due to smoke opacity and gas concentration are reported for 2021.



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