Mexican Laws in English
NOM-005-SSA3-2010, which establishes the minimum requirements for infrastructure and equipment of establishments for outpatient medical care.
Published in the DOF on August 16, 2010


This Standard is under the oversight of the SSA = (Secretaría de Salud - Secretary of Health) Environmental Health


LAW, REGULATION, OR NOM - what is the difference?  

NORMA Oficial Mexicana NOM-005-SSA3-2010, Que establece los requisitos mínimos de infraestructura y equipamiento de establecimientos para la atención médica de pacientes ambulatorios.

Official Mexican Standard NOM-005-SSA3-2010, which establishes the minimum requirements for infrastructure and equipment of establishments for outpatient medical care.



0.         Introducción

0. Introduction             

1.         Objetivo

1. Objective             

2.         Campo de aplicación

2. Field of application             

3.         Referencias

3. References             

4.         Definiciones

4. Definitions             

5.         Generalidades

5. General Provisions         

6.         Especificaciones

6. Specifications             

7.         Concordancia con normas internacionales y mexicanas

7. Concordance with international and Mexican standards             

8.         Bibliografía

8. Bibliography             

9.         Vigilancia

9. Oversight             

10.       Vigencia

10. Validity             

11.       Apéndices Normativos

11. Mandatory Appendices             

12.       Apéndices Informativos

12. Informative Appendices             


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