Mexican Laws in English
LIC. GLENN MCBRIDE is a licensed Mexican Attorney and an experienced auditor specialized in Mexican legislation - for HUMAN RESOURCES, ENVIRONMENT, AND HEALTH AND SAFETY  -
GLENN MCBRIDE has performed audits for many major companies in Mexico.

Take advantage of the opportunity that an audit of your HEALTH AND SAFETY Program can present for training. You can participate in your audit and we will train you at the same time.

We will personalize an audit or a combination Health, Safety and Environmental Audit based on your activities, products, and materials. You can participate and we will train your audit team for follow-up and verification audits.

We have developed a detailed audit protocol based on the protocols used by the Government and our complete library of translated Laws, Regulations and NOMs. We can perform a thorough and detailed audit, more complete than an inspection by the Mexican authorities.

Human Resources - On site audit of your Human Resources program. Verify that you are compliant before you have a problem or before the authority finds your non-compliance.

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Environmental Compliance  - On site audits - We review your documentation, permits, procedures and programs. We evaluate your compliance. We help you find and resolve your environmental non-compliance before SEMARNAT does. 

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Health and Safety - On site audits - We review your documentation, permits, procedures, and programs. We evaluate your compliance. Find your non-compliance issues before the STPS finds them.

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